Scrimmage games this Sunday 1st February

The Sharks play two scrimmage games this Sunday. Usual place (New Park, Chichester) and time (10am start sharp). In addition, we'll be joined by two members of the Press from the Chichester Observer. They will be videoing our practice / scrimmage and also participating themselves. Hopefully, this will result in a feature in the newspaper and on their website. Let's have a good turn out :)
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Last training session of the year: Sunday 21st December

We've missed a few weeks now with the bad weather and not enough people being available so lets all try and make it this week for the last session of the year. I've already had good feedback so we should have decent numbers and so can have a really good session and scrimmage. Sunday 10am, usual place, see you there. Coach Neil.
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Sharks host friendlies

The Chichester Sharks hosted fellow BAFL Flag team the St Albans KIngs and newly formed Peter Symonds Sabres last weekend in Chichester in a series of post season friendlies. First up was the host team Sharks vs new boys the Sabres, who formed in January at Peter Symonds sixth form college in Winchester, for their first competitive game. Sporting a number of rookies who had only had one training session the Sabres took the early lead with a long pass on their first possesion after the Sharks couldn't move the ball on their first. The teams traded scores, including a first ever pass completion for a TD by Sharks long time centre Gary Robinson (on a trick play to QB Neil Henderson). The Sharks led by a single score at…
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Sharks face Dogs and Kings

There is no training this Sunday as we travel down to Barnstaple in Devon to face old rivals the North Devon Dogs and new BAFL Flag team the St Albans Kings who we beat in the first set of games a month ago. Training resumes in Chichester on Sunday 18th May.
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