Player Association Forms Following League Turmoil

If you’re  a regular on the league website, you’ll be aware that the British American Football League (BAFL) has withdrawn from the National Governing Body – the British American Football Association (BAFA) – citing the consistent poor delivery of business critical services as its primary reason.

According to statements the 2010 season will continue under the BAFL banner, but it will be as an independent members association. The true impact of this withdrawal remains to be seen, but with the season fast approaching hopefully it will not have any negative repercussions.

Due to these events, a new organisation has been born – the British Amercian Football Players Association.

In an open letter to the British American Football community they cited their reasons as:

‘The BAFPA has been borne out of a feeling of necessity, that all players should have the ability to have their voice heard in the same way that is afforded to coaches (BAFCA), referees (BAFRA), and the member leagues (BUAFL and BAFL) in British American Football.’

The main principles of BAFPA are:

  • The BAFPA’s purpose is to represent the views, wishes and desires of the people who participate in the sport as players.
  • The BAFPA is independent and represents only the views of the players without prejudice.
  • The BAFPA will ensure complete transparency in all communications to all our members.
  • The BAFPA shall work within the confines of the NGB but is impartial in all matters.
  • The BAFPA members will democratically vote for their board

You can find out more on the new BAFPA website and Facebook group.

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