It rained a bit in Wales…

Jumpin' in the Rain
It was unorthodox but the conditions meant the 'carrier bag catch' technique was a necessity

Well done to everyone that played in our two league matches this weekend in Wales.

To say that the conditions were not ideal would be an understatement. Despite frequent heavy rain throughout both matches, everyone played hard and focused. I think I speak for everyone when I say we were disappointed with the result against Leicester, but we should all be proud of how we played.

For anyone reading this who was not there, we narrowly lost 31-25 to the Eagles, with their final score coming right near the end of the game. We had taken the lead part way through the 2nd half but were unable to stop the methodical but impressive Eagles Offense. Leicester are looking on top form this season and we pushed them all the way and we should be pleased with how we played.

It probably had something to do with the disappointment we felt at losing the first game but we came out flat against the young Warriors team in our next game. Before we knew it we were 13-0 down part way through the 1st half. Crucially we continued to play our game and not panic in the face of the deficit. Both the D and O started to click and first we drew even, before dominating the second half of the game, finishing the game 32-13 victors.  Full credit to the Defense, the Warriors did not score another point after their 13 point lead.

I’m sure there will be some other recollections from those that played, but the over riding impression I took from the day was the total team effort that went into both games. Every single person made plays.

One of the most spectacular plays, has to be said, came from Pete Steel who made a stunning TD catch that was a perfect display of how to drag your toes to stay in bounds.

On defense, Dayle was a bit of a demon, flying all over the field, batting passes down left, right and centre. There was some speculation that he just wanted to get muddy, a feat he achieved in warm ups alone.

Oddest play was probably Martyn’s pin point catch-and-sit-down right on the half way line to pick up an important first down!

Anyone else have any highlights to share? From a personal perspective, I really enjoyed the two games and was pleased I was able to make some plays – I’m still smiling about that last score – our first rushing TD in over a year!

Stats from the day:

Eagles 31 vs Sharks 25


Neil 4 x TD pass, 1 x 1pt XP thrown, 2 x INT thrown
Pete 2 x TD rec
Gary 2 x TD rec
Scott 1 x 1pt XP catch

Sharks 32 vs Warriors 13


Neil 4 x TD pass, 2 x 1 pt XP
Scott 2 x TD rec
Pete 1 x TD rec
Gary 1 x TD run, 1 x TD rec, 1 x 1pt XP catch
Bruno 1 x 1pt XP catch


Dayle 1 x INT

Complete individual statistics can be found on the Player Stats

Creative Commons License photo credit: Tony the Misfit

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