The date and venue for the 24 hour charity flag football match have been set.
The game will be played from 9.00pm Friday 24th August through to 9.00pm Saturday 25th August. The venue will be Chichester College. The charity is yet to be determined. If you have any suggestions please speak to Julian.
Importantly, we need to know who is up for this – do you want to play?
Ideally we get plenty of volunteers – that way we get plenty of substitutions!
Express your intent using the comments section below or let Julian know at training.
hey guys thanks for today i know it was hot and i think that everyone got a bit tired at the end and it showed in some ways. there is nothing wrong with calling it if you have had enough and finish on a good week we are gonna bring a set of pads for some of you guys to try catching the ball with. there will be no contact and it is up to individuals if they want to try it.the difference will show with your catching when the pads and helmet come off.anything else you want to work on let us know.sean
iv still got a couple of sets of pads and a helmet from thunder shall i bring those? matt
Yes mate bring them along.
Is there any training tonight? (wednesday 13th June), cheers, Toby
No mate, nothing this week, but back to normal on sunday so be there redy to go-no matter what the weather!