The next ESFL tournament of the year will be hosted by the Makos at Westergate on the 27th May. As with last month, the tournament will be held at the Six Villages Sports Centre.
Details are to be confirmed but its likely to have a 11am start time. So far we have the two Chichester teams, Voodoo and Mayhem confirmed. More to come.
As this is a Makos tournament, is there anything special you guys would like to add to the usual format? Voodoo made their event a little different last year, by providing their own special brand of voodoo entertainment, a merchandise stall from their sponsors and food wagons. Is there anything you’d like to do or are you happy with the usual format?
Both teams had good competitions last time, so we’ll look to build on that this time around.
Keep the 27th May clear in your diaries!
hey guys thanks for training today not ideal conditions can you please put a reply on this site if you are a mako and can definately play in the tournie or even if you cant.sean
I can make the tournie,
think if we could maybe set up just like a water refreshment stand and maybe a little snack or sumfink? Ny comments?
Hey I’ll be available for the tourny sorry I haven’t been at last couple of sessions I’ve had work but I’ll be there this Sunday and midweek if it’s on? That sounds like a good idea Billy.
could do a bbq but only 4 teams at mo if we get 6 it might be worth it