This is it. The last tournament of the 2006 season and the chance to become champions.
There will be two tournaments Sunday. The semi-finals of the Final Four will start at 11 a.m. with Chichester vs Liberty, followed by Leicester vs Barbarians. The winners of these matches will play for the title of ESFL League Champion 2006.
At the same time the Beach Bowl will start on the other pitch(es). The Thespians will be part of that tournament.
Can everyone get there between 10 a.m. and 10.30 a.m please?
Due to it getting dark quickly this time of year – and there being no floodlights – we need to be prompt with starting games. If you are late your team will have to forfeit – so no slacking!
Don’t forget to bring food, money, water, warm clothing and enthusiasm!
Here is the venue address:
Six Villages Sports Centre
Lime Avenue
PO20 3UE
Click here for a map. Click on the zoom out button if you don’t know where that is. It’s basically just north of Bognor.
can i please hav the adress for the tournement and if any1 needs a lift i hav 1 space or maybe 2 need to know befor sunday i will pick u up at 9:30 at the carpark on sunday p,s billy and his god given hands please bring in your pro spiral ball (the voodo ball)
Six Villages Sports Centre
Lime Avenue
PO20 3UE
lol thankyou thierry for the compliment and yea sure thing wil bring the ball and 1 4 in between games so the game ball wont get wet etc. can i please have a lift there m8 and if that is ok will see u at car park at 9:30? wb billy
thanks gary . ok billy see u a 9h30
thanks gary . ok billy 9h30 see u sunday
ok well thankyou T will see you all on sunday come on!!!
Do you need a spare sharks top? Jut
Hi Jut
Yeah bring it with you – someone might need it. Most guys have their own shirts now, but it could come in handy.
Hey guys,
I shell be there tomorrow for my first tourn… what should i expect. Does anyone need a lift from durrington littlehampton area? If so send me an e-mail