OK, so it took a while, but one small cable off ebay later, I’ve finally been able to edit the first video from the Halloween Bowl – Chichester vs Chatham – the battle of the Sharks (though we know is the original…).
For the first time I left every play in there – so you can watch the whole game uninterrupted. It has bit of everything, 3 scores on O and great D – check out how few completions they make – great work guys.
The rest will have to wait until I’m back from the Big Apple. Go Bears!!
Any idea on how were getting to ruislip? cheers write back billy
heyas guys billy again does ny1 no how were getting up there as it less than a week away and havent heard nout if u can can u ring me on 01243 670029 as i havent got my mobile thankyou write back asap thx billy