The next tournament is on Sunday 20th August in Westergate, just north of Bognor.
It is being hosted by the Barbarians at the Six Villages Sports Centre.
We’d like to be able to enter 2 teams in this tournament but that really depends on people coming forward and supporting their team and teammates. Let me know here or by text if you intend to play. We need to know for sure by training next Sunday.
On that note, its vitally important that we all turn up for training next week as its our last opportunity to practice together and implement anything new before the tournament.
what a hit happy there both alright. me and ewan are shure to be here for the tournement. see the young boy on the eagles team be nice to have ewan on the team with the thespians if we have one thanks
thanks, hope training continued to go well after we left, sorry to leave you guys short, i think it would be good for ewan to play, he deserves it for his commitment to training.
i think it wld be a gr8 idea 4 ewan 1 play he is a great player! ! ! hope to see you there ewan
I’ll be available for the tournament. When is the fantasy football starting?
ewan stop leaving comments about yourself!
he didnt but he is a great player T
i am in 4 the tournametn and the comment about ewan being a gr8 player was by me see you at traning come on thespians ! ! ! !