Eagerly awaited by the hordes of Chichester Sharks fans (okay, one or two of us maybe), I’m glad to announce the Sharks Store is now open!
It’s early days but we have a range of t-shirts, hoodies, retro tops, shorts and yes, even pants! So convince your girlfriend Xmas has come early by bringing home her very own Sharks Thong!
Just click the t-shirt below to enter the store:
Don’t worry, the store is safe to buy from as its protected by some very niffy security software.
Some of the items – i.e. those with numbers and names on the back – can be personalised so don’t forget to add your own details. Otherwise we’ll all be running around with my name on our backs and that will be just plain confusing.
If you have any special requests for slogans or designs let me know and i’ll see if I can put something together.
I’ve kept everything in the store at cost prices, so there is no profit involved. Hopefully that means they are cheap enough for people to buy.
Get your wallets out!