Player Stats to date
Following games against Leicester, London, Hampshire and St. Albans to start the season, we have the first player stats table available. Whilst Neil is uncontested in the passing category, the leading receiver competition is hotting up. Leading the pack is veteran Simon Merton with 4 scores, separated from 2nd place receiver Scott Wilson by merit of his 4 XP to Scott's 2. Rounding out the top 3 is the 2nd old boy, Gary Robinson (me) with 3 scores. The defense is looking particularly impressive this year, with 3 players with picks, including one returned for a score from Martyn Emmens. Josh Amis is off to a great start in his rookie season, notching 4 sacks, 3 of which have resulted in safeties. [table id=2 /] [table id=1 /] [table id=3…