League Update: Leicester vs North Devon

Yesterday the Leicester Eagles defeated the North Devon Dogs in a close fought game in Devon. The final score was 32-29 to the Eagles. It's an interesting result, as Leicester have historically been one of our more challenging opponents. Judging by yesterday's performance, they're going to be in the thick of it again this year. The biggest loss for the Dogs yesterday, might not have been the game, but the loss of Johnny Stevenson to injury. Apparently Johnny was involved in an accidental collision that left him with a double nose bleed, a perforated ear drum and a dislocated shoulder. There is no word on how long he will be out, but there is a chance his season - and potentially his playing career - is over. We wish Johnny…
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Sharks Win Wild West Shoot Out

There were touchdowns aplenty in Devon on Sunday, as the Sharks took on and defeated both the St. Albans Kings and the North Devon Dogs. There were 222 points scored in just 3 matches with an average of 74 points a game - which is just incredible. Well done to all the Sharks that went on Sunday, it was an awesome team effort, especially considering the heat. The final results were as follows: Sharks 61 - 0 Kings Dogs 100 - 6 Kings Sharks 43 - 12 Dogs Dayle had set us the target of two shut outs to aim for and whilst we didn't quite achieve that we came very close - to concede 2 scores against the Dogs after watching them rack up 100 points against the Kings…
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