Training Sunday

Please let us know if you are available for training Sunday?

We’ve had a good couple of weeks of friendly tournaments, it’s now time to take our learnings from those games and work on the techniques necessary for a successful season.

Looking forward to Sunday – I’ll even bring the agility ladders!

7 thoughts on “Training Sunday

  • Hi All
    Its with great regret that I have to inform you that after much thought and soul searching I will be hanging my silky shorts up and putting away my baby oil on the shelf for one year only. This is due to the fact that my wife is expecting our baby in August and after her operation she needs looking after around the clock in case the worst happens. I have her family looking after her in the week so when it comes to the weekend its my turn. So it would be seen by her family if I spend the whole Sunday with the sharks to be out of order considering what they are doing. I want to be a part of the sharks but things are happening this year that are more important to me and my wife. When the baby is born I do want to spend as much time with him or her as possible.

    I do understand if you don’t train you wont get into the team and no player is bigger than the team. I am not going to player for the Thunder or any other team just in case anyone may think that.

    I had a great year with the sharks and meant great players in the team and the away game journeys will always make me laugh…. I would like to stay in touch with the sharks and if need be help with the new game shirt if you still need it or any more design matters.

    Have a great season!!!

    missing already.

    still missing ya!!

    missing you more!!!

    I’m going now…..(pulling a dear face)

  • Pete Steel

    Hey Ricardo

    I think i speak on behalf of all the sharks in wishing yourself and wife all the very best for the future with the new arrival on the way and as we have a few fathers on the team im sure they too understand the situation.

    The dont train cant get in team situation apllies to myself to as i will prob end up missing most the year due to my work however im very greatfull to the Squad for allowing me to play in the last friendly dispite me missing so much training.

    Well once again best wishes to you and the family and hope to see u on the field soon.

    Pete Steel
    Sharks WR#84

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